Late Summer Planting and Harvesting

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Keep On Planting!

This is actually a great time of year to keep on planting. Many vegetables will give you another harvest if you plant the right things. In case you missed it, check out our blog post from last summer: Summertime is the Right Time to Keep Planting. Or just jump right to this guide from University of Minnesota Extension:  Planting Vegetables in Midsummer for Fall Harvest. But this season is not just for vegetables! It is a great time to start planning, planting, or rearranging your perennial beds.



Time to Harvest and Preserve

Hard to believe, but it’s already time to start preserving the harvest. If you would like to check out some hands-on workshops that UMaine Cooperative Extension offers, check out this link: Food Preservation Workshops. They also provide great tips and resources on their website here: Food Preservation Resources. You may also be interested in joining this very popular Facebook Group: Wild Fermentation. With all this heat and humidity, we hope you’ve got an abundant harvest this year! If you’d like to share your successes, as well as any trials and tribulations, ask for advice, or just be part of an awesome gardening community, please feel free to join our Plant Something Maine Gardening Group.

Japanese Beetles and Other Pests

If you find yourself dealing with Japanese Beetles, Estabrook’s has a great article on different methods you can use to Protect Your Plants. You can also check out the Umaine Extension’s resources on Integrated Pest Management. You might also be interested in following Maine Bug Watch on Facebook.

We hope this gardening season has been a success for you! Please consider following and tagging us on Instagram for a change to be featured in our stream. We love connecting with our fans, and especially sharing local content!

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