Spread the word, or at least the idea, to help get your customer base planning their spring garden. Bulbs make for easy, efficient planting for spring color, but planning facilitates the process. Help your customers by planting the seed to have them start thinking about spring blooms, and in turn, fall bulbs.
Mums & Pansies Over Bulbs for Fall Color
Bulb Depth Chart
Included here is a bulb planting depth chart to help your customers visualize not only planting depth, but plant height so they can create a display where no blooms are hidden. Successful gardening is part education, which will help your customer understand how deep to plant different sized bulbs.
How to Plant Bulbs Video:
Because visual learning is sometimes the easiest way to teach someone, we’ve included videos on how to plant indoor bulbs to make it plain and simple. More videos exist at Dig Drop Done, an excellent web resource on planting bulbs: www.digdropdone.com.
Reminder to Plant
Bulbs need to be in the ground, generally speaking, about 6 weeks prior to the first hard frost. Use this as a reminder as fall starts to wrap up in your zone, and remind gardeners that time is running out for a successful fall bulb planting. This will help people remember to plant if they purchased early and boost sales near the season’s end.
Info and images courtesy of:
Netherland Bulb Company
13 McFadden Rd ● Easton, PA 18045
1.800.788.8547 ● contactus@netherlandbulb.com