Planting ABCs
New to gardening? Not sure where to start? Looking for advice on planting, landscaping or garden design? We’ve got your back. Being a gardener in the state of Maine means enjoying a diverse landscape, wide-ranging native plants, and an abundance of vegetation that thrives in our four-season setting.
Start with the Basics
Visit Garden Gab – A FREE tool for all your gardening questions.
Use Native Plants
Plants that are native to Maine are desirable because they conserve Maine’s natural landscape and they do the best job of supporting the ecosystem naturally by preserving wildlife and insect populations (like birds, bees and butterflies).
Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca)
Maine’s landscape is naturally diverse, so there are many plant species that are native to the area. Find out what plants work best for the Maine landscape from the UMaine Extension and learn about native shrubs at the Wild Seed Project.
Don’t remove plants from the wild. Taking native plants from the wild decreases native populations, and most will not survive transplanting. Make sure your plants are grown at a nursery and avoid collecting from the wild or purchasing from those who do.
Avoid Invasive Plants
Never introduce invasive plants that will aggressively spread off your property. See what plants are considered invasive in Maine at, and learn how to combat them if they show up in your backyard at MOFGA.
Make it Bee-friendly.
In Maine, both native Maine bees and introduced honey bees are the most important pollinators of fruits and nuts. Trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetables and flower gardens in our landscapes can be important sources of nectar and pollen. Creating a pollinator garden is an excellent way to preserve natural habitat, support the bee population and create a pleasing environment. Get advice on bee-friendly landscapes from UMaine Extension.
Ready to Plant? Start with a Shrub
Most shrubs are adaptable, low-maintenance, and can be a great way to provide beauty, summer shade, and curb appeal. Planting a shrub is an easy planting project. Learn this (and other planting projects) at Monrovia.
Ask the Experts
Visiting your local garden center, nursery or greenhouse is one of the best ways to get your gardening questions answered. Maine garden centers have friendly, knowledgeable staff that welcome questions on choosing plants, tips for growing, and other gardening topics. Find Your Local Garden Center.
There are plenty of resources around the internet as well. Start with First Edition’s Let’s Ask Amy for tips on plant care, pairing plants, yard designs, questions about specific plants, or anything about design and gardening projects. There are no dumb questions when it comes to planting!
Tips for Maine Growing & Planting
Looking for tips about plant varieties, advice on growing, or getting rid of pests or weeds? Visit trusted local authorities in Maine planting:
Plants for the Maine Landscape
Wild Seed Project Native Plants
Maine Arborist
Composting At Home