Written by Leah Twitchell
We all know that getting outside and spending some time in the garden creates a sense of well being. It has even been said that dirt is the new Prozac! Scientific studies aside, we can all feel the grounding effects of digging in the soil and planting something new. The social and environmental benefits of planting, either flowers or food, shrubs or trees, are almost too many to count. That’s why MELNA (The Maine Landscape & Nursery Association) decided to participate in Plant Something: a grassroots campaign designed to get more people to enjoy gardening and support their local nurseries, garden centers, growers and landscapers.
We all have different reasons for planting and gardening. Some of us are interested in aesthetics: creating beauty around us and improving our properties. Others are planting food so they can harvest their own fresh veggies. Still others are concerned with permaculture, saving the bees, and environmental concerns (like the Wild Seed Project). Whatever the reason, we all benefit from getting a little dirt under our fingernails.
With this grassroots campaign we hope to educate communities all over Maine about the importance and value of growing food, flowers, and native plants. We also hope to give you some inspiration and ideas for your own personal planting mission. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest to get inspired… and don’t just stand there, Plant Something!